Academic Clemency

Undergraduate degree-seeking students who have reenrolled at the University of Maryland in pursuit of their initial baccalaureate degree are eligible, after a separation of at least five calendar years from the University (determined by the last day of the last attended semester), for academic clemency. Academic clemency is granted one time only, and subsequent requests will be denied.
Application for academic clemency must be filed with the Office of Undergraduate Studies (or designee) as soon as possible, and before the end of the first semester of the student's return to the University. Clemency will be recorded on the student's record following the completion of the student's first semester of reenrollment. Under clemency, up to 16 attempted credits of D+, D, D-, and F grades from courses previously completed at the University of Maryland will be removed from the calculation of the student's cumulative grade point average (GPA).
Attempted credits and grades for which clemency is granted will:
- remain on the student's transcript;
- not be used to satisfy degree requirements;
- be excluded from the student's cumulative GPA calculation;
- remain included in the calculation of Latin Honors; and
- adhere to the institution's repeat guidelines and be included in the student's repeat limits.
The granting of clemency is contingent upon the student's satisfactory completion of the initial semester of reenrollment, and will be recorded by the university at that time. If the student's first semester of registration upon reenrollment is canceled, or the student withdraws from the semester, clemency will not be granted (and the student will retain the option of filing for clemency in the future).
Implementation Steps
- Student applies for reenrollment.
- Faculty petition board reviews application.
- SSO confirms major with college or student develops a graduation plan for a new major.
- SSO reenrolls student and puts note in ERS that student is eligible for clemency.
- Student and advisor meet to register for classes.
- Advisor communicates to student that student is eligible for clemency.
- Student and advisor determine which courses will be included in the clemency process.
- Clemency form sent to registrar's office. Form must be filed once student registers for first semester back, or at the latest, by the end of the first semester.
- Once clemency is filed, student cannot change courses for clemency.
- Student and college advisor sign clemency form.
- Clemency is processed by Office of the Registrar once form is received but GPA will not reflect clemency until calculate is run.
View the complete Academic Clemency Policy and Implementation Sheet.
Academic Clemency Eligibility
View an accessible version of the Academic Clemency Eligibility Schedule Chart here, or see the printable chart.
Academic Clemency FAQs
Eligibility for Academic Clemency
a. Were an undergraduate degree seeking student immediately prior to separation from the University.
b. Were separated from the University for at least five calendar years.
c. Have grades of D+, D, D-, and F.
d. Have reenrolled at the University in pursuit of initial baccalaureate degree.
e. Must satisfactorily complete the first semester of reenrollment, meaning enrollment was not withdrawn or canceled.
Undergraduate students who have reenrolled after at least five years of separation from the University are eligible for Academic Clemency. Students must have been in degree-seeking status, and be returning in pursuit of their initial baccalaureate degree to qualify for Academic Clemency.
Five years begins on the last day of the last attended semester. Please see chart: Academic Clemency Eligibility Dates.
Academic Clemency may be used for up to 16 attempted credits of D+, D, D-, and F grades from courses previously completed at the University. The grades from these courses will be removed from the calculation of the student's cumulative grade point average (GPA).
Students may use Academic Clemency for eligible courses if they were in degree seeking status immediately prior to their separation from the University. Courses taken in non-degree seeking programs (e.g. Young Scholars, Dual Enrollment, Maryland Transfer Advantage Program, Science in the Evening) are also eligible for Academic Clemency if the student completed at least one semester in degree seeking status immediately prior to their separation from the University. However, students who were in non-degree seeking programs immediately prior to their separation from the University are not eligible for Academic Clemency.
Yes. The University considers students participating in Freshman Connection as being in degree-seeking status.
Yes. Students who were in degree-seeking status immediately prior to their separation from the University may use Academic Clemency for courses taken at the University the summer prior to the start of their freshman year.
No. Students who were in non-degree seeking programs immediately prior to their separation from the University are not eligible for Academic Clemency.
All eligible degree-seeking students who have been separated from the University of Maryland for at least five years have the opportunity to use Academic Clemency upon reenrollment to the University. Degree-seeking transfer students who had completed at least one semester at the University, and reenroll after five years of separation from the University to complete their initial baccalaureate degree, are eligible for Academic Clemency.
For the purpose of Academic Clemency, “initial baccalaureate degree” is defined as the first baccalaureate degree completed at the University of Maryland.
How do I receive Academic Clemency?
To request Academic Clemency, you will need to meet with your college academic advisor.
No. You do not need an exception to policy for Academic Clemency. However, you must meet with an advisor to request Academic Clemency.
Academic Clemency may be used for up to 16 attempted credits of D+, D, D-, and F grades from courses previously completed at the University. The grades from these courses will be removed from the calculation of your cumulative grade point average (GPA).
No. Academic Clemency does not change the number of repeat credits a student is allowed to have. All repeated courses (and course attempts) are included in repeat credit totals.
No. Academic Clemency may only be used for courses taken at the University of Maryland.
The Academic Clemency notation will appear on your transcript at the completion of the first fall, or spring, semester following your reenrollment to the University. The GPA adjustment occurs when final grades for the semester are calculated.
Each course for which Academic Clemency was granted will appear on your transcript under the semester of your reenrollment to the University, with an Academic Clemency notation. Please be aware, however, that all previous courses and grades will remain on your transcript--see sample student record for an example.
You will determine which credits to use for Academic Clemency in your academic advising session. Your academic advisor can assist you in selecting the courses for Academic Clemency that will make the most sense in your degree program.
Whether or not you do well in your first semester of reenrollment, your Academic Clemency will be recorded and calculated after completing the semester. This means that your previous cumulative GPA (adjusted with Academic Clemency) and your first semester grades will be calculated together upon completing your first semester of reenrollment.
Academic Clemency should be requested in consultation with your academic advisor as soon as possible upon reenrollment to the University, and the completed form should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the last day of classes of your first semester of reenrollment.
Students may not change courses once Academic Clemency has been processed by the Office of the Registrar.
No. Academic Clemency is granted one time only, and must be processed during the first semester that you reenroll at the University in pursuit of your initial baccalaureate degree.
a. You can eliminate up to 16 credits of D+, D, D-, and F grades from your cumulative GPA calculation.
b. You will lose the earned credits for courses for which you have been granted Academic Clemency (i.e. the courses with D+, D, and D- grades).
c. Since general education courses require a minimum grade of D-, loss of earned credits through Academic Clemency may also forfeit general education requirements.
d. Repeating a course for which you have been granted Academic Clemency does not grant you exceptions to the repeat policy. Please see Repeat Policy in the Undergraduate Catalog.
No. Academic Clemency can only be used for courses that were taken prior to a five year absence from the University.
Yes. Academic Clemency and other factors are taken into consideration in determining if a student may return to the University.
Academic Clemency, the Selection of a Major, and Special Opportunities
As part of the reenrollment process, your academic record will be evaluated to determine if you may stay in your major. This is a process separate from Academic Clemency.
If you were in a major that no longer exists, you must select a new major prior to reenrollment. Once reenrolled, you will meet with your academic advisor to discuss Academic Clemency.
Please see LEP requirements for more information.
Students who had been previous members of living/learning communities, or special programs, and reenroll to the University should contact the director of the program to determine if they are still eligible for program participation. Academic Clemency is a separate issue.
Please check with the program to which you wish to apply to discuss your circumstance related to whether Academic Clemency would have an impact on your admission.
Academic record-related issues
No. If a grade has already been removed from your cumulative GPA by virtue of the repeat policy, it cannot be removed a second time by the Academic Clemency policy. For example, if a student received an F in her first attempt of a course in her first semester at the University, then repeated the course and earned a B, Academic Clemency will not apply. Please contact the Office of the Registrar at if you are unsure whether a repeated course is counting in the cumulative GPA calculation.
Yes. For example, if a student received an F in a course taken after his first 24 attempted credits (including transfer credits), then repeated the course and earned a B, that course is eligible for Academic Clemency. Since the F grade in this example has not been removed from your cumulative GPA calculation by virtue of the repeat policy, it is indeed eligible for Academic Clemency. Please contact the Office of the Registrar at if you are unsure whether a repeated course is counting in the cumulative GPA calculation.
Yes. For example, if a student received an F in a course taken after the first 24 attempted credits (including transfer credits), then repeated the course and earned a D, both attempts are eligible for Academic Clemency.
Since neither grade has been removed from your cumulative GPA calculation by virtue of the repeat policy, both attempts of the course are eligible for Academic Clemency. Please be aware, however, that the credits for each attempt will count toward the 16 total credits permitted by the policy (e.g. two attempts at a three-credit course will consume six credits of Academic Clemency). Please contact the Office of the Registrar at if you are unsure whether a repeated course is counting in the cumulative GPA calculation.
For example, a student takes a course in her first semester at the University and earns an F, then she repeats the course and earns a D. By virtue of the repeat policy, only the D is counting in the cumulative GPA. If the grade of D is removed through Academic Clemency, the F from the original attempt will not begin to count in the cumulative GPA if. Your historic record will remain the same.
The Academic Clemency notation will appear on your transcript at the completion of the first fall, or spring, semester following your reenrollment to the University. The GPA adjustment occurs when final grades for the semester are calculated.
Each course for which Academic Clemency was granted will appear on your transcript under the semester of your reenrollment to the University, with an Academic Clemency notation. Please be aware, however, that all previous courses and grades will remain on your transcript--see sample student record for an example.
Yes. All third attempts require an exception to the repeat policy from a student's advising college. All repeated courses (and course attempts) are included in the repeat credit total, including courses for which Academic Clemency has been granted.
Yes. For the purpose of Academic Clemency, an XF is treated like an F for cumulative GPA calculations. However, like all courses and grades for which Academic Clemency has been granted, both the course and the XF will remain on your transcript.
No. If the course was taken as 4-credit course, the determination to use Academic Clemency is for all 4 credits.