Decision Timeline
The timeline for applications varies for each application. Re-enrollment applications are reviewed by the Student Success Office within 10 business days after submission.

- Missing Information: application pending until student submits documentation
- Faculty Petition Board review: can take 2 - 4 weeks depending on time of year
- Eligibility to return to major: can take several weeks
- Changing major: varies per major and college
- Judicial block: application pending until all blocks are cleared, and/or the Board has made an academic decision
- Financial block: application pending until all blocks are cleared, and/or the Board has made an academic decision
There are several decisions a student could receive to their reenrollment application.
- Return now
- Students may be approved to return for the semester.
- Once approved students will need to clear any registration blocks before they are eligible to register.
- Take coursework elsewhere before returning
- Students may be required to take coursework at another institution
- 12 credits or 24 credits should be taken with a GPA of 2.500 and no D, F or W grades
- Once the student has completed the required coursework (or during the semester in which the student will complete the coursework), the student will need to submit a new reenrollment application.
- Application will remain pending until an official transcript showing that the requirement has been met is submitted to the Student Success Office/Reenrollment Office. Transcripts can be sent electronically to the University; we are not notified when electronic transcripts are received. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Student Success Office/Reenrollment Office that transcripts have been sent electronically.
- Students may be required to take coursework at another institution
- Take time off before returning
- Students may be required to take time away from the University
- 1 semester or 2 semesters away
- Once the student has completed the required time away (or during the semester in which the student is not taking classes), the student will need to submit a new reenrollment application.
- Application will remain pending until a graduation plan signed by a college advisor or an email from the college is submitted to the Student Success Office/Reenrollment Office
- Students may be required to take time away from the University
- Complete degree elsewhere
- Students may not be eligible to return.
- Students should complete their degree at another institution.
- Re-enrolled students will need to clear any registration blocks before they are eligible to register.
- Registration blocks for the current term do not appear until your re-enrollment has been approved, so you may need to contact some office that you spoke to prior to your application being approved. For example, a student meets with an academic advisor as part of the major change process for re-enrollment and discusses what they need to register for in the coming semester. Because the student is not currently enrolled, there is no block for the advisor to lift after meeting with the student. The block will appear after the re-enrollment application has been approved. The student will need to contact or meet with the advisor in order to have the block lifted.
- Students returning from probation or dismissal will need to obtain electronic advising stamps from their college for each course they wish to register for. This will show on the registration blocks as Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal.
The Board weighs a number of factors when reviewing an application for re-enrollment. These factors include:
- Semester GPAs
- Cumulative GPA
- GPA Calculation: Credits needed to bring the cumulative GPA to a 2.00 or above
- Repeated credits
- Degree progress
- Essay responses
Students who wish to appeal may do so. If you are appealing a decision from this current/upcoming application cycle, please follow the instructions below. If you wish to appeal a decision from a previous term, you will need to submit a new reenrollment application.
- Review eligibility to appeal.
- Applicants should only appeal a decision if:
- They have new information that you did not include in your original reenrollment application, or
- Their academic record has changed since you submitted your original reenrollment application.
- Applicants should only appeal a decision if:
- Complete the Appeal Form.
- Email form and appeal statement to
- To:
- Subject: Appeal - Name
- Body:
- UID: xxx-xx-xxxx Name:
- Appeal Statement:
- Attachments
- Appeal form
- Any supporting documents